If there's one thing the net needs more of, its video game reviews!!
Well, anyhow, I enjoy video games, and I hate getting grifted into buying sucky games, so I figured hey, why not contribute to the collective hive mind of the net and share what I think about games? Speaking of the collective, its somewhat appropriate that my first review is Bioshock 2.
Bioshock 2 is about a utopian society, the city of Rapture, which was built deep under the sea and which has failed and collapsed. You play as a survivor in this world trying to escape to the surface and to get away from the insane machinations of the antagonist, Dr. Sofia Lamb.
The world of Rapture was originally created as a lassaiz faire free-market utopia by Andrew Ryan, who is (spoiler alert!) defeated in the first game. In Ryan's wake, Dr. Sofia Lamb, a socialist through and through, takes over the city and attempts to create the perfect citizen out of her daughter, Eleanor Lamb. Your character is her former "Big Daddy," and sort of body guard for children who were in the "Little Sister" program. The kick is, you've been biologically altered to become comatose and die if your "Little Sister" (Eleanor) either wanders too far from you or dies. So all hope of escape rests in your ability to rescue Eleanor from her mother.
The game plays very similar to the first Bioshock. At its heart, Bioshock 2 is an FPS. This FPS is much deeper than your average "Halo" fare, however, and has qualities that have earned it the moniker of being an "FPS/RPG."
First, you obtain new weapons as you progress through the game. Theoretically, the game can be completed entirely with the use of your starter weapons (the rivet gun and the drill arm), but through some clever game design, you will find that you enjoy your experience best if you "mix and match" as you go. For example, the rivet gun gets "trap rivets" that you can use to bunker a location if you know you are going to be on the defensive, and the machine gun has access to "armor piercing" rounds that are more effective on armored enemies (like machines or other, heavily armored "Big Daddies"). Furthermore, ammunition is limited in this game. It is not as bad as System Shock 2 (for those who remember playing this way back when), but you will want to be "conservative" with your ammo, and you will want to develop proficiency with your entire arsenal, just in case you run out of ammo for your favorite weapon.
Second, like the first Bioshock title, Bioshock 2 has "plasmids" and "tonics." These are ways for your character to alter himself genetically. Plasmids give you active abilities, like the ability to shoot lightning from your fingertips or the ability to grab things telekinetically. Tonics give you passive abilities, like the ability to run faster or carry more health kits and "eve" (eve is the "ammo" for plasmids). You can only equip so many plasmids and tonics at a given time, so there is a TON of customization to be enjoyed here. And if you don't like your loadout, you may go to a gene station at any time and change to a different set.
Third, again like the first Bioshock, Bioshock 2 has the ability to upgrade your weapons. Unlike the first game, however, you cannot purchase ALL of the upgrades--there are not enough upgrade stations. This is a good thing in my opinion, as it allows you to further "customize" your character.
There are a few differences between Bioshock and Bioshock 2 in terms of gameplay. Some are bad, some are good, and some are . . . well, you'll have to decide for yourself.
First, Bioshock 2 eschews the "inventing" mechanic of the first title. Without going into detail, through inventing, you could collect various invention "components," and then use them to make special ammo, plasmids, tonics, etc. I can't really see a good reason for Bioshock 2 to omit something that makes the game more interesting, and that's a shame. Granted, the lack of inventing isn't really earth shattering, but it was a way to "customize" yourself, and I for one miss it.
Second, Bioshock 2 adds the ability to actually walk completely submerged, literally along the bottom of the sea. Its a really cool feature, and is put to good use in several places. It just adds that certain something to the game, an air of "realism" if you will. I mean, I must not be the only person who wondered why, with all of the violence going on inside Rapture, windows NEVER broke. Well in Bioshock 2, they do break (along very scripted lines, of course). In fact, my only gripe about the water areas is that they are too small and linear. I'm walking around the ocean floor, for goodness sake--let me experience at least a little sense of exploration!
Finally, Bioshock 2 changes the "hacking" mechanic. In Bioshock, you "hacked" security cameras, security turrets, etc. by completing a sliding tile game. It was simple, but hey, I liked it. The new system involves a needle bouncing back and forth on a gauge and pressing a button when it is "in the green" zone. The new system has pros and cons. Pro: its real-time, which means if you flub up and security drones are headed your way, you have to try again while being shot at. Con: the mini game is alot less interesting. Do I like the change? I don't know . . . let's just say its a change, ok?
All of this said, the overall gameplay is terrific. I wish they'd made the game a little more RPG like the first title, but the differences aren't big enough to lose sleep over.
Score: 9/10
Graphics and Level design:
The world of Rapture is beautiful. There, I've said it. I was afraid that Bioshock 2 would just be more of the same, but I am pleased to say that it is not. The game features all new "areas" of the city, including an area resembling the French Quarter of New Orleans, an amusement park and wax museum, and a prison. Each area was a joy to explore and experience, and was complete and utter candy to my eyes. Plus, the designers were very clever in the way they "aged" Rapture from the earlier game to the sequel. Run down has become trashed, glitchy has become broken, and leaks have become geysers. The first title was Rapture as it existed shortly after its glory days. Bioshock 2 is Rapture as it exists after years of neglect and disrepair.
Unfortunately, there were some decisions made with the level design that I just don't understand. My biggest complaint: the game is just too linear! Part of the magic of Bioshock was that you weren't just surviving in Rapture, you were "discovering" Rapture. You could go from the very end of the game to an area at the beginning and try and go through "that door" that you skipped over before. In Bioshock 2, however, you cannot "backtrack" through the levels. Once you leave one area for another, you've left it behind forever. Missed a Little Sister or weapon powerup? Too bad.
Graphically, the game is about the best you're going to see on a current gen system. Seriously, this game squeezes every last ounce of power possible from the 360/ps3. As far as pc goes, while it does support DX10, its obvious that the assets were designed with the console versions in mind--the textures are a bit "low" for my taste, the bump maps are low res, and the water effects, although as good as can be expected from systems based on DX9 technology, are decidedly dated. The game devs deserve major props for maxing out what the UE3 engine can do, but honestly, if you aren't going to give pc gamers a little extra lovin' for the price of their gaming rigs, you plain shouldn't release the game on pc.
Graphics Score: 9/10
Level Design Score: 8/10
What can I say? The soundtrack of Bioshock 2 is perfect perfection in all of its glorious perfectness. The "old timey" music is a perfect fit for the setting, the orchestral music set the right mood (sometimes pensive, sometimes dark, sometimes heart racing), and the rest of the audio is, well, perfect. The voice acting is great, the number of audio diaries is huge, the sound effects are great . . .
I could gush on and on, but why bother? The sound is perfect. 'Nuff said.
Score: 10/10
Ok, so the story is a bit of a let down. Actually, it kinda sucks. Bioshock had all sorts of sub-plots and twists and turns. Bioshock 2 is about finding Eleanor Lamb and leaving Rapture. That's how it starts, that's the middle, and that's how it ends.
The side story of "there's something in the sea" is moderately interesting, and entirely optional (which is kinda cool). But there just wasn't enough there to capture me . . .
Anyhow, yeah. The story is the weak spot of this title. Which is a shame, because it was the best part of the first title.
Score: 7/10
Bioshock had no online. This was a good thing, if you ask me--if a developer is split between designing an offline experience and an online experience, either one or the other will suffer. With Bioshock, the goal was to make the best single player FPS/RPG hybrid possible. And it showed. But unfortunately, this didn't give the game much in terms of replay. Sure, you could play a second time through on hard, but that was all there was.
With Bioshock 2, the gamer gets a great online experience AND a great offline experience. How? 2K brought in a second developer for the online game. That way the single player game was not compromised, but we still got a multiplayer game.
And how is multiplayer, you may ask? Very enjoyable, as it should be. You get access to a full array of plasmids and weapons, allowing for huge amounts of customization. The game has a "leveling" system, where you gain access to new plasmids, weapons, and other perks the more you play (this also discourages people from "pulling the plug" if they are losing a match). Perhaps best of all, the game has special goals that you gain extra experience for completeing. For example, if you kill a player with the rocket launcher while you are in mid air, you get an extra 150 experience points.
The result is that people experiment, rather than all sticking to one or two "tried and true" techniques (sniper rifle or energy sword in halo 2 anyone?). And people don't drop connection just because they're losing. It's refreshing, its fun, you come out with a truly unique character all of your own design, and it isn't plagued (yet anyhow) by trash talking, llamaing and camping 13 year olds.
Score: 10/10
Overall, this is a great game. Is it as good as the original? No, but there isn't much that is. If you liked Bioshock, then get ready to shell out another $60, because this is right up your alley.
Overall: 9/10